640 1st Avenue – Ladysmith Inn

The Ladysmith Inn at 640 1st Avenue in downtown Ladysmith was built as a hotel circa 1910. It has been consistently used as a hotel ever since.

Ladysmith Inn, 640 1st Avenue in downtown Ladysmith, B.C.
Ladysmith Inn, 640 1st Avenue in downtown Ladysmith, B.C.
Ladysmith Inn, 640 1st Avenue in downtown Ladysmith, B.C.
Ladysmith Inn, 640 1st Avenue in downtown Ladysmith, B.C.

Here is a map showing the location of 640 1st Avenue:

Here is a Google Street View image of 530 1st Avenue:

We will be adding more historical information about 640 1st Avenue in the near future.

The photographs below show park of the original wood exterior which was covered over by the current stucco exterior.

The north wall of the Ladysmith Inn, 640 1st Avenue in downtown Ladysmith, B.C., April 2020, showing part of the original wood wall under the current exterior.
The north wall of the Ladysmith Inn, 640 1st Avenue in downtown Ladysmith, B.C., April 2020, showing part of the original wood wall under the current exterior.
The north wall of the Ladysmith Inn, 640 1st Avenue in downtown Ladysmith, B.C., April 2020, showing part of the original wood wall under the current exterior.
The north wall of the Ladysmith Inn, 640 1st Avenue in downtown Ladysmith, B.C., April 2020, showing part of the original wood wall under the current exterior.
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