440 1st Avenue in downtown Ladysmith was built in 1900 as the Island Hotel. It is still a hotel/apartment building with 13 apartments.

440 1st Avenue was added to the City of Ladysmith Community Heritage Register in 2006.
Here is a map showing the location of 440 1st Avenue:
Here is a Google Street View image of 440 1st Avenue:
Description of the Historic Place
The Island Hotel is a three-storey, brick-faced Edwardian commercial building located on the west side of Ladysmith’s main commercial corridor. The historic place is confined to the building footprint.
The Island Hotel is a very good example of an Edwardian commercial façade. Originally built in 1900 as the Europe Hotel, the building underwent substantial renovations in 1913. The hotel was raised, a floor was added and a brick façade was applied. These changes were the result of new laws that required hotels to have certain numbers of rooms in order to hold liquor licenses. The restrained, symmetrical style reflects a shift from the more eclectic and elaborate styles of the Victorian era that preceded it.
Although some later alterations were made to the building to accommodate changing street grades, the Island Hotel is substantially intact.
The Island Hotel is a tangible reminder of the social and economic importance of hotels in Ladysmith’s history. Like most mining communities, early Ladysmith had a large population of single, often transient, men. As affordable housing alternatives, hotels functioned as living quarters and, in the saloons and restaurants located on the ground floor, as social centres. The hotel contributes significantly to the understanding of working-class male history.
The Island Hotel is part of a grouping of largely intact historic buildings in Ladysmith’s commercial core. Situated mid-block, the building is part of an almost continuous city block of similarly scaled, historic buildings that collectively create a cohesive streetscape.
Associated with Ladysmith’s earliest commercial development, the Island Hotel has operated continuously in Ladysmith since 1900 and is a significant contributor to the heritage character of the area.
Character-Defining Elements
The character-defining elements of the Island Hotel include:
- – the building’s continuous commercial use
- – all the elements of a modest Edwardian commercial building including the simple form and massing,
- symmetrical façade, brick facing, flat roof, simple one-over-one wood-framed windows, cornice and arrangements of doors and windows at the street level
- – the building’s location within a group of similarly proportioned, historic commercial buildings on the town’s main commercial street.