Video & Audio


Our Society has an extensive library of video and audio recordings that continues to grow with new productions. Please visit the Archives or museum for more videos. You can also view our library on our YouTube channel. Please subscribe for the latest updates on new releases.

Historically Speaking Series

Presentations via zoom on various topics from wildlife, climate change, to drug czars and Lady Smith. These talks were recorded while being presented by various speakers.


These talks presented by Dr. Quentin Goodbody are part of the Ladysmith & District Historical Society’s “Historically Speaking” series.

Lives & Legends Season 2

Lives & Legends Heritage Video series continues thanks to the financial support of the Province of BC. These videos were produced by TAKE 5 Print & Digital Video on behalf fo the Ladysmith & District Historical Society and its volunteers.

Includes Logging lore, Growing Up Gay, Cedar Hats, Aggie Hall, Skiing, Art Wiliams Bows & Drugs, Heritage Church memories, Telephone Operators, Michael Dean’s Art Scene

Lives & Legends Season 1

Watch our heritage videos series celebrating the early years, events and people that have shaped our community. These videos are supported by the Province of British Columbia through the British Columbia/Canada 150: Celebrating B.C. communities and their contributions to Canada grant. Please subscribe or visit often as more videos are added. Full interviews are available upon request.

Includes Oysters farming, Annie Stevens & The Travelers, Ski resorts, Loggers, War Years, Newspapers, Hulqueminum Language, Pioneer family, Cougar Hunter, Boxing Champion, Comox Boarding, Musical Allesters


Logging & Mining Photographs


The Archives has a number of Audiotapes.

Here is one presented for your listening pleasure.


Presentation done by John Gourlay and Ray Knight at the Ladysmith Rotary Club, date unknown.

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