Map And Clues For BC Family Day Ladysmith Heritage Treasure Hunt

Here is the map for the BC Family Day Ladysmith Heritage Treasure Hunt.

Ladysmith Heritage Treasure Map

Here are the Clues for the BC Family Day Ladysmith Heritage Treasure Hunt.

Clues to the Heritage Treasure Trail

See how many places you can mark on the map. Take a selfie and post it #ladysmithheritage #bcfamilyday


On my walls and in my halls

I tell about our past.

You’re welcome to come in and browse

what lies within this little house.

Come, learn of things which we can save

by changing ways that we behave.


2 _____________________

In honoured memory I stand

with names of those that left this land

to fight for freedom, justice, choice,

and made the greatest sacrifice.


3 _____________________

‘Neath Horton’s where a doughnut crave

is topped off with a beverage,

on shelves the records do not sound,

yet tell the doings of those around

who shaped our place, our lives, our lot

and how this Town its name begot.


4 _____________________

I held them fast, large sailing craft

until they lost me.

Later found, now in the round

in summers warmth

I stand by water’s rushing sound.


Take care, my dears, on your approach

for photos of your visit.

Before you cross look left, look right,

and left again – before you stride,

make sure no cars or trucks or bikes

are coming where you wish to cross

we do not want to suffer loss.

5 ____________________

Almost a hundred (I’m ninety nine),

seen a few concerts in my time.

Red Robinson and other greats

kept kids of the time out dancing late.

I tell you they had quite the sound

on my stage by the Recreation Ground.

I’m owned by flyers, used to train

the youth who wish fly a plane.

Am rented out for crowds to feast

In normal times LaFF here does meet.


  1. ____________________

A line drawn, curved but straight

and all but here marks the break

twixt Canada and the United States


7 ____________________

Once in a tower

I had the power

to signal a train

and change its lane.

Pull that lever, signal make

Engineer, your train must wait.


8 ____________________

A nest of sorts,

but not so high

and used by birds that do not fly.


9 ____________________

I’m called a bull

but have no horns

no hooves, no tail, no ring,

Suspended high upon the spar

I help the cable sing

as donkey strains

the logs to gain

from where, when chopped

they, crashing, dropped.


10 ____________________

Child of auto

Termed an ass

I built bridges

so trains could pass.



11 ____________________

Not that big, but very strong,

pushing, pulling, I crawled along.

My body’s yellow, my tracks are black,

my driver sat on a seat in the back.


This is where you cross Buller Street.

12 ____________________

Now mostly black, with white and brown,

I’m one of the biggest hotels in Town.

If you look closely you will see

two different names that they called me.


13 ____________________

I had no bar, no glass to clink

for I housed ones that did not drink –

that movement, though, now jaded.

A simple wooden building I,

with yellow siding, faded.

In ‘eighteen with the Spanish flu

they used my rooms to heal those who

were breathless, weak and grevious ill

and keep them isolated.



I brought the ore dug ‘neath the mount

that people called Big Sicker

to make the metal in the wires

that lets my lightbulbs flicker.



Two hands have I which people see

and judge to haste or tarry.

They see my name – not of the day-

Hardware and Stationery


16 ____________________Killed while working in a mine

October fifth nineteen hundred and nine.

This loss of life caused awful strife

for fatherless children, husbandless wife.

A dreadful toll on those left behind,

their struggles we should keep in mind.



17 ____________________

Masons built me brick by brick

and meet within my walls.

With square and compass, letter G

and protocols of mystery,

to me all friends I call.



Hotel first, museum later

Moved to here when a coal mine cratered

Built ornate in Annie’s style

with tower, verandahs – quite the pile!

Housed miners gambling, drinking hard

Their meagre money risked by card

A cheater caught and killed by shot

his just deserts do you think he got?

Nugget in name, not worth as much

on a street which saw a ‘real’ gold rush.


19 ____________________

An ancient symbol, I.

Soiled by war, I stand for good

adorning a wall in the neighbourhood.

You’ll have to raise your head to see

for I look down from two storeys.



This is where you cross Roberts Street


20 ____________________

Dated now through flight of time

I was posted here in’69

The story of our Town I told

But now my message is so old

That a heritage piece you now behold.



Pagoda roofed, I sport a name

of creatures who have breath of flame.

My purpose is to bring in who’d

like to eat some eastern food.


22 ____________________

Built for Customs and for Post,

when the nearby harbour played the host

to ships that came from far and near

to tie along the massive pier.

The pier is gone; I’ve changed my task.

I now sell objects of the past.


23 ____________________

I huff and puff but do not move,

I winch with drum and cable.

The logs that recently were downed,

to gather I am able.



Hollowed out from cedar log

by those who’ve lived here ages,

I skirt along with paddle strokes

as I float upon the waves.


25 ____________________

A gun of sorts, but with a barb

to catch the whales for oil.

In Ladysmith I don’t belong

as Moby Dick was rarely in

the waters here, but I, from farther north

-Coal Harbour- used to sally forth.



A space half round

that’s filled with sound

sea and isles as background

to lifting music, roaring saws

crowd spellbound or with loud guffaws

as lumber jacks climb poles so tall

and clowns befool before they fall.



A journey’s start, a journey’s end

all VIA train on the E&N

they passed through me and bought a ticket

from my once busy, now silent, wicket.


28 ____________________

With windows red and walls of blue

originally of yellow hue

Built by company called Comox

I used to service trains and trucks

Recently I’ve had my base

made stronger with cement in place

so I’ll be used by local clubs

within the Arts & Heritage Hub.


29 ____________________

On rail I move with arm so high

that stretches upward to the sky

which swung out swiftly t’ward the car

with logs stacked neatly from afar

to push them off into the waves

to float for sorting for the blade.


30 ____________________

I’m huge, heavy and black,

clacked down the track

with smoke from my stack

tender and flat cars at my back

hauling timber from ‘the lakes’

so sawmills could their lumber make.



A little shed for those who bled

and through their work were injured.

Attended quick by skilled medic,

then whisked to where the doctors art

Could fully treat the injured part.



Now on the land, high and dry

A busy little craft was I

who plied the harbor pushing logs

so agile, twisting side to side

to sort them by their species, size.



I float, though I’m not a boat

no sail or engine here

I do not move ‘cept with the tide

I stay beside the pier.


A hub I am for maritime crews

a place where people pay their dues

for tethering while on their cruise

a place to meet, to talk and laugh

with other folks not on their craft.



Starts on BC Family Day Monday, Feb 15 and goes until Sunday,

Feb 28, 2021

Answer key, refreshments & goodies for participants at Ladysmith Community Marina and Ladysmith Museum on Sunday, Feb. 28 from 10 am to 4pm.

For info call 250-245-0423

Supported by the Province of BC