BC Family Day Ladysmith Heritage Treasure Trail

BC Family Day Ladysmith Heritage Treasure Trail


Calling all EXPLORERS young and old; near and far…

The Ladysmith Maritime Society and Ladysmith & District Historical Society are releasing a family-fun Heritage Treasure Trail game on BC Family Day, February 15th at 10:00 am. Due to the snowy conditions, we are extending the time to complete the trail and then join us on Sunday, February 28th.

During the next 2 weeks pick up your free HERITAGE EXPLORER MAP, STICK-ON DECAL & TRAIL CLUES from the Ladysmith Museum, the Ladysmith Chamber of Commerce or the Community Marina or follow the clues and map posted online. Explorers are encouraged to take a photo or selfie at the site to share on social media #bcfamilyday and #heritageladysmith. There will be 33 plus features to find.

The trail starts at the Ladysmith Museum (721 First Avenue) and goes through the downtown core and to the Transfer Beach harbour area, where it ends at the Ladysmith Community Marina (611 Oyster Bay Drive). Participants are invited to complete as much of the map as they can during the next 2 weeks, and bring it with them on Sunday, February 28th to the Ladysmith Community Marina, where Explorers will receive a goodie bag and a free copy of the book “Ladysmith 100 years”.

Ladysmith Museum
Ladysmith Museum

Everyone can warm up with a hot beverage on the docks and see a display of heritage wooden boats restored by LMS volunteers. Heritage slide shows and videos will be available all week on both society’s Facebook and websites to entertain and educate. Put on your “EXPLORER” hat and join the fun!

For info call Ladysmith Museum at 250-245-0423.

To minimize risk and promote the continued safety of all, please wear your mask and practice social distancing at all times.