All posts by Archives Staff

March additions to website

  • Added a link to the Cobble Hill Historical Society under Historical links on the left side of the page. An interesting and well done historical website. Check out the map section which includes a 1925 map of the south Cowichan area as well as their pioneer landowner map which shows the holdings of the areas pioneers usually acquired by pre-emption. Click on the link below to go there directly:

  • Added a gallery on this website of the 1911/14 fire maps for the Town of Ladysmith. Click on any of the maps on the gallery page to bring up a larger version of that map. You can then use the zoom feature to enlarge the map further. Click on the link below to go there directly.

South Wellington Heritage Day Invitation

Due to the fire which occurred in the South Wellington Community Hall on November 3, 2014 this year’s South Wellington  Heritage Day event will not be scheduled in May as in previous years past.

This years event will take place on Sunday, September 18, 2016  from Noon to 4 p.m. allowing time for necessary repairs to the fire damage in the hall.

All past and present residents are cordially invited

A time for former residents to get acquainted. Bring along any memorabilia, snapshots, etc. to share for the day. Enjoy an afternoon of reminiscing at the biennial gathering. For new residents it’s a great chance to learn about your community, visit with your neighbours and enjoy all of the historical displays.

Light refreshments will be served.

Community waterfront event planning meeting


For a Planning Meeting for a Marine Garage Sale and Lunch Event

When: Sunday, March 6, 2016 2:30 PM
Where: LMS Welcome Centre, Oyster Café
Contact: Shirley Blackstaff 250-245-3075 email

Purpose:  To have a waterfront community Garage Sale & Lunch event to promote friendship, family fun, societal collaboration and an awareness of the heritage park preservation project.

  • LMS members have come up with the idea of a Marine focused Garage Sale & Lunch event to promote friendship, family fun, societal collaboration and an awareness of the heritage park preservation project.
  • LDHS – Heritage Preservation committee is keen to share a current Heritage Preservation project in the waterfront park where community volunteers will be restoring the large outside forest industry historical artifacts like the Steam Locomotive #11, the Humdirgen, Steam Tube Tumbler; enhancing the park and refurbishing the Locomotive Shop and First Aid Shed. This group may have a table to sell a few items and encourage participation in the heritage project.
  • Rotary may be interested in setting up their tent and barbeques and putting on a Lunch.
  • Other individuals or groups may join us to contribute to the fun with ideas like a craft for children, games for teens, etc.

The purpose of the planning meeting on March 6 is to:

  • Set up a working committee
  • Fill in a Contact Sheet
  • Pick a date (tentatively APRIL 30, SATURDAY. 9 AM – 4 PM?)
  • Decide who will look after Advertising, Promotion, Food
  • Letter to Town of Ladysmith
  • Decide on Financial matters
  • Setting up the Site
  • Clean up after the event
  • Other ideas or suggestions

Thanks Mary Dolan & Shirley Blackstaff