Community waterfront event planning meeting


For a Planning Meeting for a Marine Garage Sale and Lunch Event

When: Sunday, March 6, 2016 2:30 PM
Where: LMS Welcome Centre, Oyster Café
Contact: Shirley Blackstaff 250-245-3075 email

Purpose:  To have a waterfront community Garage Sale & Lunch event to promote friendship, family fun, societal collaboration and an awareness of the heritage park preservation project.

  • LMS members have come up with the idea of a Marine focused Garage Sale & Lunch event to promote friendship, family fun, societal collaboration and an awareness of the heritage park preservation project.
  • LDHS – Heritage Preservation committee is keen to share a current Heritage Preservation project in the waterfront park where community volunteers will be restoring the large outside forest industry historical artifacts like the Steam Locomotive #11, the Humdirgen, Steam Tube Tumbler; enhancing the park and refurbishing the Locomotive Shop and First Aid Shed. This group may have a table to sell a few items and encourage participation in the heritage project.
  • Rotary may be interested in setting up their tent and barbeques and putting on a Lunch.
  • Other individuals or groups may join us to contribute to the fun with ideas like a craft for children, games for teens, etc.

The purpose of the planning meeting on March 6 is to:

  • Set up a working committee
  • Fill in a Contact Sheet
  • Pick a date (tentatively APRIL 30, SATURDAY. 9 AM – 4 PM?)
  • Decide who will look after Advertising, Promotion, Food
  • Letter to Town of Ladysmith
  • Decide on Financial matters
  • Setting up the Site
  • Clean up after the event
  • Other ideas or suggestions

Thanks Mary Dolan & Shirley Blackstaff