The minutes of the May 2016 Board of Directors meeting have now been approved and are available to view in the Members section of the website. Requires logging in with a password
We have started our oral histories section which appears in the Maps and Media section. There are two Audio pages, one entitled Audio – Knight files which contains the older recordings which were part of the Knight collection and were transferred over from cassette tapes to mp3 format suitable for displaying on the website.
So far this page contains two of these older recordings. There are many more coming. Watch for our article in the coming months about Nathan Dougan and the 1900 Trainwreck just north of Ladysmith. It will be added to our Transportation section.
The second audio page contains an interview with long time Ladysmith resident, former owner of the Chronicle and Mayor Rollie Rose. Rollie and Helen moved to the Okanogan in June to be closer to family. Here’s hoping Rollie will continue his Ramblin’ ways and come back to visit often.
We plan to add to this page interviews done with other long time residents who have contributed so much to this town. Suggestions welcome!
Two articles contributed by museum curator, Bernardien Knol were added to the Our Stories section of the website. One concerns the 30th anniversary of Ladysmith Downtown Revitalization Project and the other is about the efforts to create the Ladysmith Museum on its 5th anniversary.