The LDHS Industrial Heritage Preservation Committee urgently needs volunteers on Saturday mornings. See the attached poster by clicking on “Saturday Work Bees” below.
Category Archives: Events
Volunteer Appreciation Social
December 2, 2015
Ladysmith & District Historical Society hosted a Volunteer Appreciation social in honor of all the volunteers who donate their time at the museum and archives preserving Ladysmith’s past.
Seasonal treats as well as a wine tasting event provided by Art Lindela of the Art of Brewing made for an enjoyable afternoon.
Thanks to those members who organized the event.
Additions to “People and Families”
To read about an interview done with Louise Erskine by Rollie Rose which appeared in the Chronicle back in the 1990’s click on the following link
A Talk with our First Native Daughter
An interview done with Kit Willmot by Rollie Rose has been added as Further Reading in the article contributed by Take 5 in People and Families. To view the interview click on the following link.
To view an article by Rollie Rose about John and Alexis MacNaughton, see John MacNaughton in the People and Families Section
Added an article by Rollie Rose about Florence Foster to the People and Families Section
Reminiscing with a Pioneer Woman
Added an article by Rollie Rose about Keith Gourlay to the People and Families Section
Added another article by Rollie Rose about Bill Grouhel, a long time fire department member
Museum schedule change
Ladysmith Museum Curator Bernardien Knol advises that
Effective, October 7, 2015, Ladysmith Museum is closed for the winter season.
The Museum will make every effort to open for special requests during the winter and will of course open for Light Up and Old Time Christmas as before.
Watch for our re-opening notice in the spring of 2016
Archives and Museums for Dummies workshop
LDHS had a successful turnout for the “Archives and Museums for Dummies” workshop put on by Christine Meutzner on September 27th. 11 people took advantage of the free course.
South Wellington Mine Disaster
See Article concerning the mine disaster in which 19 miners were drowned 100 years ago this year at the following link
Heritage BC Webinars
Heritage BC Webinars can be accessed from anywhere in the world and one registration allows multiple staff members at your office to take part from the same location. Webinar registration is $25 for current Heritage BC Members and $35 for non members.
Heritage Basics Tuesday November 10 at 7:00 pm
For individuals or groups new to heritage conservation or those that want to incorporate new legislative tools or values-based management into existing heritage programs, this is the webinar version of Heritage BC’s popular workshop. Great for heritage society members, planners, elected officials, community heritage commissions, heritage property owners, the business and tourism community and the general public. This webinar introduces values centred heritage conservation and benefits (social, environmental, economic) to help identify heritage values and guide decision-making
Writing Statements of Significance Tuesday November 17 at 10:00 am or Tuesday November 17 at 7:00 pm
This webinar helps participants develop the necessary documentation for identified sites on a Community Heritage Register. As an essential component of historic place record documentation, the SOS functions as a key planning tool to inform decision-making in the heritage conservation process. It provides guidance to property owners, architects, developers and others who are making an intervention to an historic place. Gain an understanding of what an SOS is, how it can be used and what elements to include in a well-written document. This webinar is especially useful for those who are applying to the Heritage Legacy Fund, as an SOS for the chosen site is a compulsory element to the Heritage Conservation Program application.
For questions concerning Heritage BC webinars contact Karen Dearlove, Capacity Planner, or 778-995-7243.
An online registration form is available at
New BC Archives Search System
Read information about BC Archives new search system at the following link which came into effect on October 4, 2015