Category Archives: Society News

Website additions January 2016

A new video was added to the LDHS Utube channel which can be accessed from this website by going to the Maps & Media menu and clicking on Video or click on the following link

Ladysmith Parades Archive

Another article by Rollie Rose is posted in the People and Families section  about long time restaurant owner, Tommy Jang. Go to the article by clicking on

A Lot of Sweet and Sour

Minutes of Board of Directors meeting held on January 19, 2016 was added to the Members Only page. To view the minutes, navigate to that page and log in with the password. If you don’t have the password contact the Archives office.

Volunteer Appreciation Social

December 2, 2015

Ladysmith & District Historical Society hosted a Volunteer Appreciation social in honor of all the volunteers who donate their time at the museum and archives preserving Ladysmith’s past.

Seasonal treats as well as a wine tasting event provided by Art Lindela of the Art of Brewing made for an enjoyable afternoon.

Thanks to those members who organized the event.


Additions to “People and Families”

To read about an interview done with Louise Erskine by Rollie Rose which appeared in the Chronicle back in  the 1990’s click on the following link

A Talk with our First Native Daughter

An interview done with Kit Willmot by Rollie Rose has been added as Further Reading in the article contributed by Take 5 in People and Families. To view the interview click on the following link.

Keeping our Heritage Alive

To view an article by Rollie Rose about John and Alexis MacNaughton, see John MacNaughton in the People and Families Section

John MacNaughton

Added an article by Rollie Rose about Florence Foster to the People and Families Section

Reminiscing with a Pioneer Woman

Added an article by Rollie Rose about Keith Gourlay to the People and Families Section

A Real Old-time Character

Added another article by Rollie Rose about Bill Grouhel, a long time fire department member

Heaven just gained  a Fire Chief

More Ramblin’ with Rollie Rose

We consider ourselves indeed fortunate  that former Ladysmith mayor and owner of the  Chronicle, Rollie Rose has agreed to contribute articles to this website. For his first contribution “The 1970’s” please click on the link below

The 1970’s

In 1962 singer Nat King Cole introduced the song “Rambling Rose” which has become a classic. Ladysmith’s “Rambling Rollie Rose” is another classic – a classic newsman. For a brief glimpse of his colourful career please click on his biography on this website.


Museum schedule change

Ladysmith Museum Curator Bernardien Knol advises that

Effective, October 7, 2015, Ladysmith Museum is closed for the winter season.

The Museum will make every effort to open for special requests during the winter and will of course open  for Light Up and Old Time Christmas as before.

Watch for our re-opening notice in the spring of 2016