17 Methuen Street, between Esplanade Avenue and 1st Avenue, was built in 1930 according to BC government records. But Ladysmith Archives records indicate it was built on this site circa 1898, making it one of the oldest, if not the oldest, extant house in Ladysmith.

Here is a map showing the location of 17 Methuen Street:
Here is a Google Street View image of 17 Methuen Street:
Here are some historic photographs of 17 Methuen Street from the Ladysmith Archives:

17 Methuen Street was built circa 1898 by F. W. Hawes, wharfinger for Canadian Collieries. It is supposedly the oldest house actually built in what is now Ladysmith.
The 1911 Census indicates the Hawes family had moved out by that time. The next family shown as occupying the house was the Glen family, who are listed in the 1921 Census.
We will add more historical information in future.