108 Baden-Powell Street

According to BC government records 108 Baden-Powell Street was built in 1953. We suspect this date is incorrect as the house appears to be an early 20th century style design rather than a 1950’s style design. The LDHS will do some research the clarify the actual construction date.

108 Baden-Powell Street. (photo: Mark Anderson)
108 Baden-Powell Street. (photo: Mark Anderson)
108 Baden-Powell Street. (photo: Mark Anderson)
108 Baden-Powell Street. (photo: Mark Anderson)
108 Baden-Powell Street. (photo: Mark Anderson)
108 Baden-Powell Street. (photo: Mark Anderson)

Here is a map showing the location of 108 Baden-Powell Street:

Here is a Google Street View image of 108 Baden-Powell Street:

108 Baden-Powell Street sold for $362,000 on 18 March 2018.

We will add more historical information in future.

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