Hello Parents with Young People Learning at Home
We are seeking your assistance with a new display in the Ladysmith Museum on First Avenue, Ladysmith.
The theme is the Important Role of BC’s Predators (Black Bear, Wolf, Wolverine and Cougar). The goal to understand their importance, to respect and honour them, to explore our relationship with them and discover more about our heritage and culture through this display, newly created games, videos and hands-on activities.
We would like to gain your help with this display by having your young people (Grade 1 to Grade 12) create some art work. It might tie in with some aspect of their Language Arts, Science, Social Studies and Art Curriculum. If reports, stories, legends and poems also are created due to an interest in this theme we’d be happy to add them to our display. Students may search the Web for ideas and information.
Later when it is safe to do so we will arrange for a drop off location for your young people’s work. Our volunteers will make an excellent display of the students’ art work in our new Ladysmith Museum exhibit. Families and friends will be welcome to visit the Museum and be awed and enriched by this exhibit. You will be notified by viewing the Ladysmith & District Historical Society Website under Events to find out when it will be safe to be open for visitors.
We request that students print their name at the bottom right of their art work. The size and art mediums (watercolors, acrylic paints, graphite pencils, crayons, charcoal and pastels, etc.) will be your choice.
Students’ work will be returned at the end of the exhibit.
Please share with us your interest in participating in this inclusive community exhibit by emailing vimarmot@shaw.ca. Thank you.
Best Regards,
Shirley Blackstaff, LDHS volunteer/director, vimarmot@shaw.ca